The China Ready to Export program was floored with yet again another well executed workshop on the 18th of March. With well over 20 participants attending and finding out just how easy it is to sign up to WeChat and start socializing. Wayne Chao Director I AGE Media Group gave us a fantastic presentation that…
David Henderson’s “Strategy or Stragedy” was an amazing talk on how to focus on strategic decision making for your business. We were hanging on David’s every word, we can all learn from his varied experience. Now we know how not to make the same mistakes over and over again and have a more positive outlook…
Another fantastic event for the China Ready to Export program occurred on the 15th of March at Chateau Yaldara with 20 participants learning about brand building and market strategy. The workshop started off with our very own Trevor Taylor giving a talk on the classic brands and what makes them so successful in all parts…
This China Ready to Export Program continued on Friday the 4th of March at the Jacobs Creek Visitor’s centre with a massive turnout of 40 participants. With Sean Keenihan giving us an exciting and informative presentation on why small businesses should start to think on a more global scale and leading a panel of experts:…